No es una novedad que aca lo queremos mucho a este chango y que con el paso del tiempo su estilo fue cambiando progresivamente (mal o bien , eso no se puede consensuar). Hace un par de años saco Shadows Collide with People , un disco que conglomera a mi parecer unas cuantas atmosferas de esos tiempos : con los Peppers , haciendo giras y discos y con su carrera solista al hombro supuestamente sobrio.
Esto fue lo que dijo:
“I’m releasing this acoustic version of the album because there was so much production on the record — there’s so much layering of different types of sound and things — that I just thought it would be nice for some of the fans who prefer a more raw, stripped down sound. They will just hear the songs in their raw form.
Also, on the last album I put out, we did acoustic shows and those went over really well. But I’m not doing those this time because I’m spending my time recording. So I figured I’d do a little performance in my living room and put it on the internet so people could hear me doing those songs the way I would if I were doing an acoustic show.”
1 Carvel
2 Omission
3 Regret
4 Ricky
5 Second Walk
6 Every Person
7 Wednesdays's Song
8 This Cold
9 Song to Sing When I'm Loneley
10 Time Goes Back
11 In Relief
12 Water
13 Cut-Out
14 Chances
15 The Slaughter
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